Dog fights at Luther Burbank

Recently at Luther Burbank Park, my mom, my friend and I were at the off-leash dog park, and our dog was minding his own business and was having a great time until a non-neutered dog came up and started a fight. This was the second time encountering a fight with a non-neutered dog.

Recently at Luther Burbank Park, my mom, my friend and I were at the off-leash dog park, and our dog was minding his own business and was having a great time until a non-neutered dog came up and started a fight. This was the second time encountering a fight with a non-neutered dog. For 11-year-old girls unaware of what to do, this was a scary experience, since we saw the whole thing.

I know Luther Burbank asked people to take a vote to let non-neutered dogs into the off-leash dog park, but I think that it would be a good decision for Luther Burbank Park to change their policy. It would be good for Luther Burbank Park as well because if there was serious damage to a dog from a non-neutered dog, Luther Burbank Park may get sued.

Mallory Phillips, 11

Erin Greer, 11