Letters to the Editor, Aug. 7, 2019

Park; impeachment; school board

No I-90 trail expansion in park

As a longtime cyclist I’m encouraging the city to advocate for maintaining the existing trail width through Aubrey Davis Park as part of the ADMP.

Many cyclists like myself prefer the North Mercer Way route, which runs parallel to the I-90 trail. It’s faster and one doesn’t encounter pedestrians.

Expanding the existing I-90 trail into a “transportation thoroughfare” would attract/encourage more vehicles (cyclists, scooters, electric bikes), disrupt the serenity of the park and increase the danger to pedestrians in the park.

With increasing downtown density we need to preserve peaceful escapes like Aubrey Davis Park. With an excellent alternate route it is not necessary or desirable to increase vehicle traffic in Aubrey Davis Park.

Please do not expand the I-90 trail width. A far better approach transportation-wise would be to seek ways to improve the North Mercer Way route. This would be a win for everyone.

Patrick Daugherty

Mercer Island

Impeachment inquiry

Former U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s testimony to Congress made it clear: it’s time for an impeachment inquiry. Hearing Mueller describe the extent of President Donald Trump’s crimes and corruption in his own words convinced me that Congress can no longer stand idly by.

Mueller did not exonerate Donald Trump — not by a long shot. His investigation found extensive criminal activity and resulted in 37 indictments and at least seven convictions or guilty pleas, including Trump’s national security adviser, personal attorney and campaign chairman.

Mueller uncovered over 100 secret meetings and communications between Trump’s team and Russia and their cronies, and found at least 10 episodes of obstruction of justice by Donald Trump, in which he tried to bury the truth.

Obstruction of justice is a serious crime. If anyone else did what Trump did, they’d be in jail. Mueller made it clear that the Department of Justice prevented him from indicting Donald Trump. That’s why it’s up to Congress to hold him accountable.

No one is above the law in our country, not even the president.

That’s why it’s time for our representative and the rest of Congress to take action to hold Trump accountable by moving forward with a formal impeachment inquiry.

Doing nothing will only embolden Trump to continue breaking the law and will set a dangerous precedent for our democracy. That’s not the America I know.

Suong Huynh


School board email

Recently, I contacted the school board about a school issue – and through the process I found out that if one wants a substantive response from one or more school board members, one needs to send separate emails to each school board member.

On the district website, there is a single email address for the entire school board. Because I used that email address (I also copied two district administrators), I was told no individual member, or the school board as a whole, could respond to the content of my request – and that a response would only be possible at a school board meeting if the item were to be on the agenda.

To avoid this in the future, I’ll send five identical but separate emails to each school board member – as my understanding is that doing so would allow individual school board members to respond to me, if they so choose. I’m sharing because I thought others might like to know.

Ken Glass

Mercer Island