Parks named to 2022 40 Under 40 in Podcasting

List featured in Podcast Magazine.

Podcast Magazine has named Mercer Island’s Effie Parks one of the most impactful producers and hosts in its 2022 40 Under 40 in Podcasting feature.

Her “Once Upon a Gene” podcast explores the world of raising children with disabilities and rare genetic disorders, Parks said in a previous Reporter article.

Parks’ son, Ford, was diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder, CTNNB1 Syndrome, when he was 16 months old. CTNNB1 Syndrome refers to either a deletion, partial deletion or mutation of the CTNNB1 gene.

According to the magazine, Parks, 39, is a “true champion for all in the rare disease community.” Readers helped the magazine identify the top podcasters highlighted in the article, noting that they stand out by “supporting their families to regularly transforming not only the media, but listeners worldwide.”

“Once Upon a Gene” features interviews with fellow parents, therapists, doctors and anyone else who wants to share their story.

“There’s no guide, no rulebook,” Parks said in the 2020 Reporter story. “There’s no doctor or therapist to tell you how to do this. You can only really learn from other parents.”

The podcast officially launched Oct. 31, 2019, and 177 episodes had been aired as of May 5.

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