St. Monica offers help to Guatemala

This week, the students, parents and faculty of St. Monica School will be recognized for their efforts to support youth education in Guatemala.

This week, the students, parents and faculty of St. Monica School will be recognized for their efforts to support youth education in Guatemala.

On Oct. 3, the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Guatemala will acknowledge St. Monica for its contribution toward improving education for children living in poverty in Guatemala.

St. Monica has raised money to support its partner school in the small village of El Yalu, a rural Mayan community located in the mountainous region of central Guatemala. El Yalu, like many other indigenous villages in Guatemala, has over 70 percent of its families living in poverty and a literacy rate of less than 25 percent. The efforts of the St. Monica School community have helped to purchase teaching materials, classroom equipment, textbooks and other much needed educational supplies for the teachers and over 360 students now attending El Yalu School.

The Award of Recognition will be presented on behalf of the government of Guatemala by Gary Teale, executive director of Avivará, the U.S./Guatemalan organization responsible for delivering the supplies and materials funded by the money raised by St. Monica School.

For more information, visit or contact Gary Teale at