Tent City bingo

Tent City 4 resident Viree Warnerf, far right, plays bingo at Tent City as children Anna Bolger (white shirt), Georgia Mattox (striped tank top), Isabel Bolger (middle), Paige Brandon (standing in back, white shirt) and Tent City resident, Jamie, far left, check the results.

Mark Bolger
Reader photo

Tent City 4 resident Viree Warnerf, far right, plays bingo at Tent City as children Anna Bolger (white shirt), Georgia Mattox (striped tank top), Isabel Bolger (middle), Paige Brandon (standing in back, white shirt) and Tent City resident, Jamie, far left, check the results.

A group of seven Mercer Island girls, ages 5 to 12, with their families and the Mercer Island Presbyterian Church, organized the on-site bingo party and had lunch with camp residents on Sunday, Sept. 14.