Blake Shewey
The fire last Tuesday evening at Ellsworth House, an apartment building for low-income seniors, could have been much worse. But Mercer Island firefighters were ready. The crew that responded to the scene knew all about the structure and its residents. As a result, they called for extra help to ensure that the residents would be safe and the building could be saved. Fire units from Bellevue and Seattle responded to the scene along with extra aid cars and ambulance units. Two Metro buses were called so that the residents who evacuated could be out of the cold.
One of our beloved Island institutions, Youth Theatre Northwest, is coping with the arrest of its most public face — its now-former director. The charges against him are extremely serious.
Craig Groshart
Island Forum
The first but long-anticipated meeting of the Senior Commission, an event of importance to every older adult on Mercer Island, took place on Oct. 18. With input from the community, it will make recommendations to the City Council, which can greatly enhance the lives of 30.4 percent of the Island’s population. The emphasis on the previous sentence is “with input from the community.”
OK, voters, give yourself a pat on the back.
People often say that Mercer Island and its residents are “special.” Sometimes the word is used in a sarcastic manner to suggest that we think too highly of ourselves. Personally, I don’t take offense at being characterized as special, but I do prefer a different word to describe our Island city, and that word is “unique.” As incoming Mercer Island Chamber president, I believe it is important to recognize the unique characteristics of our city and to foster and preserve those qualities that we hold dear.
Jean Floten
Island Forum
Everyone, it seems, holds the opinion that parking in the Town Center is scarce. A story in today’s Reporter about parking issues reiterates that view and adds a new twist in the on-going confusion about who is allowed to park where and when in the Town Center.
Judy Clibborn and Fred Jarrett
Island Forum
The Travelodge was nothing much to look at. It was a throwback to another day, a film noir set piece in an Indie movie — a slice of America from a bygone age. When it finally met its end by being torn down last week, no one took much notice.
Rob Sexton and David Laub
Island Forum