Council stabs commuters in the back | Letter

The Mercer Island City Council should be recalled if they sign off on this Interstate 90 access “settlement.” If we had a city government that cared about the citizens of Mercer Island, they would fight this battle in court until Sound Transit is booted off of Mercer Island or our access is restored to the HOV lanes of I-90.

The council, with maybe one exception, are mostly Democrats. Except for maybe the one, the rest support Sound Transit and are all happy to stab automobile commuters in the back. Why should we believe that people who support Sound Transit and who are Democrats are going to vigorously litigate against Sound Transit? I have no doubt, there was plenty of “collusion” between Sound Transit, Mercer Island city government, the city of Seattle, the Democratic Party caucus in the state Legislature and the King County Democratic Party on this one. I hope the Lexus Liberals on Mercer Island enjoy the gridlock they’ve bought themselves for robotically voting (D) for the past 20 years.

John W. Nelson

Mercer Island