Finders keepers, losers weepers – goodbye to Finders gift store

The news of Finders gift shop closing brought tears to my eyes. When my young sons were attending birthday parties, Keepers (the part of the store that sold gifts for infants and children) was the place to find the perfect gift. The headlamp for bedtime reading was our all-time favorite.

The news of Finders gift shop closing brought tears to my eyes.

When my young sons were attending birthday parties, Keepers (the part of the store that sold gifts for infants and children) was the place to find the perfect gift. The headlamp for bedtime reading was our all-time favorite.

When I’d travel out of town, or want a special gift for a friend or co-worker, Finders would have just the right thing, and the gift presentation was always sublime thanks to Judy and Vicki’s expert wrapping and ribbon tying. When independently owned stores close, we all lose. The individual character of a local store, relationships and revenue for the community cannot be replaced with online shopping. After our locally owned stores close we weep, but it’s too late.

Mindy Stern