Letter | ‘Feel good’ money spent on ‘green energy’ absurd

I read the story in the May 16 issue of the Mercer Island Reporter about the City Council deciding to spend taxpayer money to support a private company’s (Puget Sound Energy) green energy program.

I read the story in the May 16 issue of the Mercer Island Reporter about the City Council deciding to spend taxpayer money to support a private company’s (Puget Sound Energy) green energy program. I realize that PSE is obligated under state law to have such a program. I also know that the green energy program is very expensive and supplies very little energy into the power grid.

Individuals who ‘feel good’ about supporting green energy by having PSE add dollars to their power bill are free to do that at any time. However, having the City Council spend taxpayer money in an effort to feel good about green energy is absurd in my opinion. City Council members who want to support green energy in this way are free to spend their own personal money to do so.

When the economy is in the state it is in and when governments at all levels are struggling to pay their bills, using Mercer Island residents’ taxpayer money is frivolous and uncalled for.

The federal government has wasted hundreds and millions of dollars on failed green energy programs, which, of course, is taxpayer money as well. Island taxpayers should not be doubly burdened by having our City Council spending money for this or other dubious causes.

William Ellis