Letter from non-Island resident ‘misleading’

The letter written Feb. 26 to support the approval of the Coval plat is misleading in many ways.

The letter written Feb. 26 to support the approval of the Coval plat is misleading in many ways.

For starters, the writer is not a resident of Mercer Island, and therefore should not be speaking about what is best for us. Furthermore, she is the listing agent on the Coval property with a clear interest that the project be approved. And finally, the very idea that a group of 5,000 plus sq. ft. houses will minimize the “environmental footprint”, and that their owners will “walk to the transit center and downtown” is about as likely as the city council voting down the project (they rarely land on the wrong side of the big builders – just take a look downtown ).

I suggest better screening by your editorial team. Parties attempting to sway public opinion should have to pay for that privilege… by taking out an advertisement.

KC Sheehan

Editor’s note: We assume Islanders are interested in all points of view regarding issues such as the Coval project. We are secure in the knowledge that readers can make up their own minds. Letters from non-Island residents are accepted based on their knowledge or involvement in a local situation. This letter writer included her occupation as a realtor in her submission.