Letter | Letter ‘attempts to refute facts’

It is very interesting that two days before election ballots are sent out, a letter read by candidate El Jahncke at a City Council meeting attempts to refute facts in the recent million dollar lawsuit against our city.

It is very interesting that two days before election ballots are sent out, a letter read by candidate El Jahncke at a City Council meeting attempts to refute facts in the recent million dollar lawsuit against our city.

This leaves little time for the opposing side to respond to the letter.

There are, however, several facts that are indisputable:

• Mr. Jahncke was named in the lawsuit.

• The insurance company paid Ms. Lindell $1,000,000 as a settlement.

• Ms. Lindell was awarded $94,476.68 in attorney’s fees that are to be paid by the city.

• Ms. Lindell was awarded an additional $90,560 in fines because Judge James Robart determined that the city had violated the Public Records Act.

• The City of Mercer Island has received no awards in this case.

It looks like Ms. Lindell, 3; the City of Mercer Island, 0.

Carol Friends