We need ‘real advocates’ on I-90 tolling issue

Tolling I-90 will affect nearly everything we hold dear about our city.

As the end of this election cycle draws close, I am hoping all of my friends and neighbors will mail their ballots.

The issue of tolling on I-90 seems paramount to me. It will affect nearly everything that we know, love, value and hold dear about our city. We will more than pay the price if we get tolled and there is little I can think of that would not be affected.

Initially there were only two city council members supporting the no-tolling position. One of those members, Mike Grady, is not running for reelection. Therefore, I believe we need “real advocates” for the no-tolling position on the city council. As I have studied the candidates, I am convinced that Dan Grausz is not a strong advocate to protect us from tolling.

When the going gets tough can you really count on Dan? Even lately, he has been outspoken about the fact that he will not say “no tolls.” His campaign performance about opposing tolls is disingenuous in light of his many documented comments to the contrary.

Consequently, I am voting for Kevin Scheid. I know Kevin. He is a man of his word. He is not “wishy washy”. He has the executive experience and will do his best to protect us from these punitive tolls. Please join me in voting for Kevin Scheid.

Robert Harper