Staying Motivated to be Physically Active

Most people begin an exercise program with the best of intentions – but changing behavior is hard work, and life can get in the way. What’s the solution? Is there hope for someone who can’t seem to stick with an exercise program?

Most people begin an exercise program with the best of intentions – but changing behavior is hard work, and life can get in the way. What’s the solution? Is there hope for someone who can’t seem to stick with an exercise program?

Here’s the good news – getting a regular exercise routine established is within your reach. Try these tactics to get yourself set up for long-term success:

Put in some think time. What are the most important things in your life, and how does your health and well-being fit in? Being physically active helps you be your best in all aspects of life.

Look ahead. What will your life be like in six months? Will you be stuck in the same cycle of fatigue, negative self-talk, and poor health? Then imagine yourself healthier, fit, with more energy and confidence.

Lean on your strengths. What have you accomplished in the past that ties in with your exercise goals? Achievements take determination, persistence, and hard work. Tap into those skills and strengths to achieve your health goals.

Spending time to develop the right frame of mind can help you stay on track when the going gets tough. External motivation – having your clothes get baggy – are energizing, but temporary

When you’re motivated internally you’re truly on the road to a sustainably active lifestyle.

– Beth Shepard