Anonymous donation delights Island doctor

Island practitioner who leads free educational classes honored by donation.

Islander Monica Richter, a general practitioner at Valley Children’s Clinic in Renton who organizes and coordinates educational programs through Valley Medical Center, believes that one of her jobs as a physician is to educate. And because it’s her job to educate, she makes all of her programs free.

A few times a year, Richter teaches one of those programs, “As Girls Grow Up”, a class for girls ages 9 through 12 and their parents about the physical and emotional changes of puberty. Each session accommodates up to 120 people and usually, there’s a waiting list. Richter said most other places charge for such a program. As far as she knows, she’s the only one who doesn’t. She works on her own time obtaining the funding while Valley Medical Center provides an auditorium and PR for her class.

And so it was to her surprise, and delight, that her class recently received a $7,000 anonymous donation.

“I jumped up and down. I felt honored, I felt privileged,” she said. “I always felt it was a rewarding program for me and I got such good feedback, which is why I donate my time.”

Richter said the money will go toward a free copy of “The Period Book, Updated Edition: Everything You Don’t Want to Ask (But Need to Know)” by Karen Gravelle for girls who enroll in her class. More than 700 girls who enroll in Richter’s program should be able to get a copy.

While Richter doesn’t know the identity of her anonymous donor, she stresses her gratitude and hopes for the opportunity to one day thank her donor.

“It was really an honor and a surprise to get this donation,” she said. “I would love to talk with them.”

For more information on Dr. Richter’s programs, visit To enroll in a class, visit