Are you ready for geometry? Mercer Island schools and the new state math standards

A new Web site,, has been developed for the use of Mercer Island students and parents. A self-assessment written to the new state Algebra 1 standards, “Are You Ready for Geometry?”, is published here. Volunteers are invited to submit additional assessments written to the new standards at every grade level.

One year ago, Washington state developed new mathematics standards for elementary, middle and high school. The new standards are strikingly different than the old standards in one way: They are mastery-based.

In the old standards, math topics were introduced and elaborated in a continuous “spiral,” with little specificity, extending from grade to grade. Each topic was reviewed and extended multiple times. As a result, it wasn’t clear if, or when, any specific topic needed to be mastered. The new standards do away with the spiral, and present standards for mastery in each grade.

For example, one Algebra 1 Standard (A1.5.C) is:

Solve quadratic equations that can be factored as (ax+b)(cx+d)Š, with the presentation of specific examples.

Concomitant with the new standards, Mercer Island is introducing a new math textbook in K to 5 starting this year, “Math Expressions.” This text is much more consistent with mastery-based learning than the “Investigations” text used for the past decade.

With the publication of specific standards comes the possibility of assessing students for these standards. No such assessments have yet been released by the state.

To fill the gap, and as an experiment, a 20-question assessment of the Algebra 1 standards was created. It is intended as a self-test for students interested in seeing whether they are prepared to go on to the next math course, typically geometry.

A new Web site,, was developed to collate math resources, including those specific for the Mercer Island School District, and to add frequently used outside resources and additional materials provided by volunteers. The site is not intended to replace the district’s Web resources.

Volunteers of all ages are invited to create additional assessments in the same format, addressing the state standards in grades K through 8, Algebra 1, Geometry or Algebra 2. and the Algebra 1 assessment is one example of the small things that may be done to promote a focus on students and learning.

Dave Myerson is a candidate for Mercer Island School District director in the Nov. 3, 2009, election.