Crime prevention tip from the MIPD

The City of Mercer Island offers a new crime prevention tip each month. For the month of May, the police department reminds residents that as the weather gets nicer and people are away from home more often, the risks of crime may be greater.

The City of Mercer Island offers a new crime prevention tip each month. For the month of May, the police department reminds residents that as the weather gets nicer and people are away from home more often, the risks of crime may be greater.

The police department recommends that Islanders who are out and about should be observant. Always lock doors and roll up the windows of your car when you leave it unattended. Keep valuable items in the trunk, so they can’t be seen through the windows.

Safety is also important at home during the warmer month, the police department said. It’s important to remember that while residents are outside, or just trying to keep cool inside, doors and windows left open can be tempting to criminals.

Keeping things such as garage doors closed alleviates the ease of someone slipping in and stealing items. Some will come to the door and distract people while another grabs things from an open area. Be aware of anyone who comes to the door and tries to take up time needlessly.

To learn more or to see other crime prevention tips, visit