Curiosity fuels science fair

Scientific curiosity peaked last week in local elementary schools when students showcased their projects during the annual science fair. This was the first year when students at the three Mercer Island elementary schools participated in their own events; previously, students in kindergarten through fifth grade competed in a districtwide event.

Scientific curiosity peaked last week in local elementary schools when students showcased their projects during the annual science fair. This was the first year when students at the three Mercer Island elementary schools participated in their own events; previously, students in kindergarten through fifth grade competed in a districtwide event.

Ivy Suzuki-Jaecks, the chair and lead judge for Lakeridge, said the number of participants was slightly higher this year, likely due to the school holding its own event. The Island Park Elementary science fair took place last Thursday, and West Mercer’s event is scheduled for this afternoon. The Pacific Science Center showcased at the events, featuring a presentation on “radical reactions.”

Eleven of the 14 judges were Ph.D.’s or medical doctors, and three were engineers.