Election results show approval of bond, levy

Preliminary results from the Feb. 11 special election indicate voters approved the $98.8 million General Obligation Bond and the Replacement Educational Maintenance and Operations Levy.

Preliminary results from the Feb. 11 special election indicate voters approved both the $98.8 million General Obligation Bond and the Replacement Educational Maintenance and Operations Levy for the Mercer Island School District.

For Proposition No. 1, the $98.8 million bond, 73% of voters approved with 5,337 votes, while 1,921 voted against. For Proposition No. 2, the maintenance and operations levy, 76% of voters approved with 5,510 votes, while 1,732 voted against. Validation requirements for Proposition No. 1 were a 60% yes vote and minimum turnout of 3,852, while Proposition No. 2 needed simple majority. 7,282 ballots were counted, which was nearly 42% of registered voters.

Mercer Island School District Superintendent Dr. Gary Plano released the following statement regarding the Feb. 11 special election:

“The Mercer Island School Board extends its deep appreciation to the entire Mercer Island community for showing such support for the bond and levy. Our teachers, administrators and support staff are thankful to members of this community for showing confidence in us and in our ability to provide a high-quality, public school education to our students.

“The District plans to release more information regarding the three construction projects in the coming weeks and months.”