Helicopters to land atop tower in downtown Bellevue

Helicopters could become a regular sight in downtown Bellevue if the city grants permission for Kemper Development to install a chopper landing station atop the 19-story Bank of America building.

Helicopters could become a regular sight in downtown Bellevue if the city grants permission for Kemper Development to install a chopper landing station atop the 19-story Bank of America building.

The company has applied to operate a private helipad on the roof, where a suitable landing platform already exists.

Noise measurements taken during a trial landing and takeoff at the Bank of America building showed that the noise level increased by up to 63 percent, although experts have noted that the decibel levels would not be high enough to interfere with speech.

The maximum number of landings would be 40 per month, and the hours of operation would be from 8 a.m. until 7 p.m. daily, according to the permit application.

Travel routes for the helicopters would have to comply with Federal Aviation Administration regulations, but the expected flight pattern is over I-405, I-90 and SR-520.

For more information, go to www.ci.bellevue.wa.us.