Islanders join community event screening of film ‘Take Me Home’

Filmmaker Liz Sargent’s award-winning short film, “Take Me Home,” was shown at a free community screening for Mercer Island community members on Nov. 2 at Northwood Elementary School. The film centers around challenges an adult with an intellectual/developmental disability (I/DD) can experience when faced with the possibility of living on their own.

Anna, Sargent’s sister, inspired and portrayed the main character. Sargent said the movie is based on her fear of Anna’s future after her parents pass away. “How do we care for someone who can’t care for themselves?”

Sargent, a Korean American adoptee, grew up in a family with 11 siblings, some with various afflictions. “Growing up in this family gave me an understanding of the nuance and humanness of complicated, flawed, and beautiful people,” she wrote in her director’s statement.

After the film screening, community members joined group activities led by Molly Jordan, associate producer and educational director of the film, who is also Liz and Anna’s sister; and participated in group discussions with Sargent and Jordan.

This event was sponsored by the Mercer Island High School PTSA DEI committee, Make Us Visible WA, and Asian Adult Adoptees of Washington. Representatives from Make Us Visible WA and Asian Adult Adoptees of Washington also gave brief presentations about their organizations and more information on how community members can get involved.

The feature film of “Take Me Home” is currently in development and people can learn more at The film was submitted for a 2024 Academy Awards consideration and can be viewed on Short of the Week –