Letter | Debbie Bertlin for Council

The upcoming election will present Islanders with a magnificent opportunity: to very positively alter the composition of the Mercer Island City Council by electing Debbie Bertlin and showing El Jahncke the way out.

The upcoming election will present Islanders with a magnificent opportunity: to very positively alter the composition of the Mercer Island City Council by electing Debbie Bertlin and showing El Jahncke the way out. Debbie is a vibrant, intelligent woman with excellent experience in business, and has been an outspoken and productive activist on the Island in the areas of open space, transportation, schools and public safety. She stands in stark contrast to Mr. Jahncke, our current deputy mayor, on whose watch the devastating lawsuit with resulting fines occurred, and whose positions in opposition to parks, school levies and public safety improvements directly contradict the wishes and interests of the great majority of our residents. She is a product of the Mercer Island school system and a graduate of Mercer Island High School (as a classmate of our son) with two daughters coming into our schools.

Time for a change? You bet! Put Debbie Bertlin on our City Council.

Robert G. Stagman, M.D.