Library remodel plan is flawed | Letters

Appearance has been sacrificed for user needs in order to make a visual statement.

Library remodel plan is flawed

The recent proposal by KCLS for a library demolition and remodel is seriously flawed. In my opinion, appearance has been sacrificed for user needs in order to make a visual statement. Libraries are information repositories, and not museums. To that end, emphasis must be placed on the immediate needs of the actual users and not on a vision of the future. Furthermore, introduction of “improvements” such as full-length glass walls compromises structural integrity of the building, adds a hazard to children who could run into them, increases background noise through acoustic reflection. It is also an earthquake hazard from shattered glass. Emphasis on digital information is admirable, but ignores the fact that not all information is available in that format, and analog data in the form of publications is still required. Therefore, more bookshelves are required, not less. Not all users are able or wish to access information digitally, a fact ignored in the present propos al. One glaring omission is the limited access hours of the Library. Funds would be better spent to expand opening hours, especially on weekends.


Misinformation on I-594

This is in response to the letter by Mr. Robert Harper (“Will I-594 make us safer?” 10/15/2014). I was surprised to see his letter with so much misinformation that I felt compelled write this letter. First of all, to answer the question Does I-594 make us safer? YES it does. In 16 other states that passed a similar law, they have seen a reduction in the fatal shooting of law enforcement officers by 39 percent, the number of women killed in domestic disputes by 48 percent, and the gun suicide rate by 49 percent. As for the other misinformations in his letter: 1. I-594 does NOT create a statewide gun registry. 2. It makes NO CHANGE to existing hunting laws. 3. It does NOT prohibit someone from handing a firearm to another person. 4. It does NOT prevent people from inheriting guns. I-594 is a very simple initiative. Just close the loophole that does not require the existing background checks in private sales, at gun shows, or over the Internet. The strategy of the opponents of I-594 is to confuse you from voting for a simple background check requirement. Please don’t fall for their tactics.

Ivy Suzuki Jaecks

Remodel is wasteful

The Mercer Island remodel project is un-green and won’t suit most library users for the present or future.

The original library architects were Ibsen Nelsen and Myron Lewis. Nelson designed projects ranging from the very public Museum of Flight and Pike Place Market renovation, to the very private homes of artists. His unique buildings always reflected the environment and surroundings.

Myron Lewis had the same ethic. His firm’s mission statement reads, “to craft designs to promote the interests of our client, the built surroundings and the natural environment”. Now much of that artistic and thoughtful design will become garbage.

What troubles me most about this remodel is waste. The waste of excellent, original architectural design. The waste of perfectly charming woodwork and shelving. Above all the wasted opportunity to do something REALLY big for our future. Data show that solar power will be the world’s largest energy source by the year 2050. Let’s pave the way in our own community with this taxpayer funded remodel and “solarize” the library!

If we were truly futuristic thinkers, we wouldn’t allow this 3.4 million dollar glass-and-metal decorating scheme to continue. We would stand our ground, save our money and do it right. Let’s respect architectural history, make necessary changes and show the region and the country how to become more energy independent in the process.

This could be a wonderful opportunity for KCLS and Mercer Island. We just need to be brave warriors for the environment, a little more creative and own a bit of common sense.

Cornelia Schneider