MISD to host webinar on review of health and PE programs curriculum

The Mercer Island School District will host a community zoom webinar at 7 p.m. on Feb. 27 on the review of the curriculum of the health and physical education programs at Mercer Island High School (MIHS) and Islander Middle School (IMS).

District Superintendent Fred Rundle and Director of Learning Services Jamie Prescott will host the webinar, which can be viewed at: https://mercerislandschools.zoom.us/j/89097768339#success.

While reviewing these programs, the district is looking at the implications of changes on students earning credits to satisfy graduation requirements. Part of the MIHS review focuses on the option students have of receiving physical education credit for participating in after-school athletics. At IMS, the district has been reviewing the physical education waiver system, which allows students to pursue elective offerings at the school.