New management to hold open house at Mary Wayte Pool on Jan. 8

Mary Wayte Pool will open for 2011 on Jan. 3, following the transfer of ownership and operation of the facility from its current operator, Northwest Center, to a partnership between the Mercer Island School District and Olympic Cascade Aquatics (OCA).

Mary Wayte Pool will open for 2011 on Jan. 3, following the transfer of ownership and operation of the facility from its current operator, Northwest Center, to a partnership between the Mercer Island School District and Olympic Cascade Aquatics (OCA). The transition will be a successful resolution of efforts to keep the facility open to the Mercer Island public following Northwest Center’s October announcement that it would withdraw from its involvement in pool management. The school district will own the facility, OCA will serve as operator, and the city of Mercer Island offers financial support.

Opening pool programs and hours will follow the same model as 2010 operation. Registrations are underway for classes in the new year.

There will be a New Year open house for the public on Jan. 8 from between 1 and 4 p.m. with a free open swim and refreshments.

OCA is a Mercer Island-based business focusing on youth aquatics instruction and aquatic facility management. Mary Wayte Pool is located at 8815 S.E. 40th St.

For more information, contact call (206) 296-4370 or e-mail