Phillips for County Exec

Wow! There’s finally something to get excited about in the local elections: Larry Phillips is running for King County Executive. It’s great news for voters because he is the clear choice that will be getting my vote, and I hope your vote, too.

Times are tough, and we need someone with experience and leadership who can make hard choices. Larry Phillips has served on the King County Council and knows how to cut costs and keep within a budget. He already helped reduce the county budget by $200 million and helped bring light rail on time and $100 million under budget. He also knows the importance of protecting our communities. These are skills that can make the difference so that our county government can be resilient and helpful to the people it serves.

Larry Phillips was born and raised in King County. He cares deeply about keeping this beautiful area a great place to work and live. Check out today to learn more about why so many people are voting for Larry Phillips for King County executive.

Linda C. King