Pornography at library

The library is a place that is suppose to be for children to come and congregate to further their education and learn. It is not a smut theater.

A friend of mine viewed an adult male watching hardcore pornography at a computer at the Mercer Island Library by the printing station. When he complained to the librarian, they said there was nothing they could do because they cannot “censor” material adults view on the computer.

The library has totally missed the point. This issue is not about censorship, it’s about moral decency and protecting our children. When the courts have reviewed these free speech issues, it has always been whether or not private venues had a right to display obscene materials. I fully support the use of private venues by individuals doing whatever they want and not censoring anything.

But a public place, let alone a publicly-funded facility, is not subject to these laws. Just like if I were to indecently expose myself in public , I would be arrested. So too, people who view obscene material in public, especially around young children, should be treated no differently, if not worse!

Why is it when you raise your voice and disturb others in a library you get kicked out? But if you view obscene material, and turn a publicly-funded educational facility into a smut theater, that is not disturbing to others? It is disturbing, and even more disturbing, the KCLS cannot make the distinction.

There is some seriously flawed logic going on by the KCLS management by masking this issue as a “free speech issue” instead of what it really is- disgusting tolerance for pornography that can be viewed by our children in the library, in a (and I emphasis this again) public, and publicly-funded place.

I have sent letters to state legislators, city council members and the mayor. My complaint was forwarded to the head of the KCLS, and she stood her ground on the Library’s policy. This is unacceptable, and MI residents should not stand for this.

The King County Library’s stance on this issue is deplorable. The library is a place that is suppose to be for children to come and congregate to further their education and learn. It is not a smut theater. I hope Mercer Island residents will join me in urging our legislators and city council members to defend our children in the library system.

Abraham Leavitt