Recipe travels to China

What a pleasant surprise I had this afternoon while I was searching the Web for a salmon gefilte fish recipe and came across the lead story in the Mercer Island Reporter. I was a resident of Mercer Island for seven years prior to moving to Shanghai nearly six years ago. At our seders on Mercer Island for family and friends, I often made my “famous” salmon gefilte fish, but lost the recipe in our move overseas. How great to find the recipe in your newspaper and to be reminded of the many lovely seders we had with our friends on Mercer Island. I can’t wait to try out the new recipe this week.

What a pleasant surprise I had this afternoon while I was searching the Web for a salmon gefilte fish recipe and came across the lead story in the Mercer Island Reporter. I was a resident of Mercer Island for seven years prior to moving to Shanghai nearly six years ago. At our seders on Mercer Island for family and friends, I often made my “famous” salmon gefilte fish, but lost the recipe in our move overseas. How great to find the recipe in your newspaper and to be reminded of the many lovely seders we had with our friends on Mercer Island. I can’t wait to try out the new recipe this week.

Monte Rosen

Shanghai, China