Superintendent presents late start, elementary Spanish survey results

Survey yields 536 respondents, with 56 percent being parents and 44 percent school staff.

On Dec. 10, Superintendent Dr. Gary Plano shared with the School Board results from a community survey regarding the implementation of an elementary Spanish language program and potentially changing early-release Wednesdays at the high school to late-start Wednesdays next fall.

There were 536 respondents, with 56 percent being parents and 44 percent school staff.

Regarding an elementary Spanish language program, 62 percent of all respondents stated they supported adding the program, with 77 percent of parent responders and 41 percent of elementary staff saying they were in favor. Only 22 percent of elementary staff responded they supported adding 15 minutes to the end of the elementary day for the program, while 50 percent of all respondents and 70 percent of parents were in favor.

When including responses that said respondents were neutral on those matters, those numbers bumped to 82 percent of all respondents in favor of the Spanish program, and 83 percent in favor of adding 15 minutes to the end of the elementary day.

Plano said he hypothesized the drop in teacher support to staff believing it meant their work day would lengthen, which he contended wasn’t necessarily the case. Plano’s scenario had the school day beginning at 9:15 a.m. and ending at 3:45 p.m., instead of 3:30 p.m. as currently scheduled, with teachers leaving at 4 p.m. as they currently do.

In regards to moving early-release Wednesdays to late-start Wednesdays at the high school, 56 percent of all respondents said they supported the move, with 56 percent of high school parents and 47 percent of high school staff expressing support.

If the district were to move to late-start Wednesdays, Plano said potential scenarios he was considering involved starting the high school day at either 8:45 or 8:55 to provide ample time between high school students and elementary students traveling to school.

Plano has stated to the board that bell times need to change within the district on early-release Wednesdays. With elementary schools currently releasing at 2 p.m. and the high school letting out at 2:05 p.m., the district is aiming to provide more time in between the high school and elementary release times for student safety. He added he was considering adding two Metro bus routes to shorten school commute times.

Plano’s next steps would be bringing his information to teachers and meeting with each of the three elementary staffs about adding a Spanish program, as well as meeting with high school staff about late-start Wednesdays.

“Once I’ve explained these pieces to them, that may help explain what potential issues there are,” he said. “I want to speak to teachers about whatever workload issues exist.”

The survey also inquired about adding a seventh period to the middle school day, with 51 percent of all respondents showing support, as well as 66 percent of middle school parents and 64 percent of middle school staff in favor.

To view the results, see the presented documents from the Dec. 10 board meeting agenda.