Ten to work with Library

Deputy Mayor appoints Islanders to work with KCLS on library redesign.

The Mercer Island City Council has appointed an ad hoc library committee to work with King County Library System (KCLS) staff on a revised plan that better aligns with community needs. Library users raised concerns at a January meeting, claiming that staff hadn’t translated their feedback into final design.

KCLS agreed to open the design process at a board meeting in late January. Earlier this month, the committee identified three main areas of concern. Among those raised is a need for  adequate interim space. Trinity Lutheran Church, which was previously identified for the purpose, would serve as mostly a drop-off spot and would only accommodate some programming. The committee has also zeroed in on the location of the meeting room and children’s area. Lastly, it’s taken issue with the size of the revised vestibule area, which users have described as a very functional community meeting space.

Other important priorities were also outlined, like the warmth of the interior. In its initial remodel plans KCLS replaced the dark cherry with light wood finishing and bright furnishings. They hope to keep the collection size the same and ensure a donation area for Friends of the Library.

Kirsten Taylor, assistant city manager, explained that KCLS has so far agreed to only one meeting, Monday, Mar. 10, after Reporter deadline, and a follow-up report.

“We are hopeful that the library will be open to as many meetings as is needed,” said Taylor.

The ten-person committee was selected by deputy mayor Dan Grausz and was intended to be representative of the library user base.

The committee includes Lori Robinson of Friends of the Library, Bryan Cairns, former mayor and an original library committee member and Lenore Defliese, also of Friends of the Library. Sandi Lindstrom, a tutor, Mindy Jeppesen, a representative of the Mercer Island Preschool Assocation and Mary Kay Woolston, who has school-age children will also participate. Madison Nimmo and Sayuj Narayan will serve as the committee’s two youth representatives. St. Monica’s principal, Anca Wilson and Joel Wachs round out the list.

In addition to Grausz, councilmembers Debbie Bertlin and Benson Wong will also be involved.

For meeting minutes and more, visit libraryremodel.org.