Time for comments and opinions on ICW intersection

City Council consideration of the Island Crest Way-Merrimount reconfiguration has been postponed to May 4. This gives more time for comments and opinions to be expressed to the Council.

City Council consideration of the Island Crest Way-Merrimount reconfiguration has been postponed to May 4. This gives more time for comments and opinions to be expressed to the Council.

One argument being put forth to support the present configuration and oppose a left-turn barrier on ICW is that 3,000 vehicles use Merrimount, and that’s too many to add to West Mercer or other routes. This argument doesn’t hold water because less than half, or only about 1,200 vehicles, would be diverted. All of the southbound traffic on ICW wanting to use Merrimount could still turn right onto Merrimount. Also, the sizeable number of vehicles using Merrimount for access to southbound ICW could still turn right and go south on ICW.

Send e-mails to the City Council at council@mercergov.org, and plan to attend the May 4 meeting.

Kenneth Brostrom