Until Council makes up its mind, be safe on ICW

Recent actions by the City Council have resulted in Island Crest Way becoming this community’s version of the Seattle viaduct. I am thrilled that the crosswalks at 42nd and 47th Streets will be improved this summer, but will we ever see an end to the ongoing debate over how to improve the overall safety of Island Crest Way?

Well-organized citizen groups are pressing the Council while its members are trying to explain how and why there’s another stall to “fixing” ICW.

In the meantime, residents — especially our children — are still cautiously trying to cross ICW on foot and bikes. Though we live on an island, let’s remember “no man is an island.” Please slow down and be on the lookout for the other guy. Is it too much to ask to stop when you see someone waiting at any of ICW’s unlit intersections? Nobody should be in such a rush that they can’t give up less than a minute for a pedestrian.

Lori Langston