President Bush took to the airwaves last Tuesday to bolster public support of the war in Iraq. Did it change your opinion one way or another?

``No. . . But I agree with the president that now that we're there, we should stick it out. It would've been better if we never went there in the first place.''

“No. . . But I agree with the president that now that we’re there, we should stick it out. It would’ve been better if we never went there in the first place.”

Adam Shick


graduate student

“No. I don’t agree with the reasons we went there. It’s unfortunate and frustrating to put our resouces and American lives into this war.”

Annie Petersen



“I supported the war. I think we should get out of Iraq. There should be a timetable for our troops to get back to where they should be. We should’ve gone to Baghdad in 1991.”

Ron Schulz

business consultant

“Since the last election I’ve decided to take a four-year political sabbatical. It’s a little bit overwhelming.”

Tom Dowdell, with Priya and Oliver

Mercer Island

software engineer

“No. I think it was a mistake. It was an illegal action. I think he should be prosecuted.”

James Morgante



“No, it didn’t. I am for finishing what we started.”

Mikel Oswalt


owner, Home Pet Vet