The productive narcissistic leader | Letter

The difference between Donald Trump and God is that God doesn't think He is Trump. God is not a narcissist preoccupied with Himself.

The difference between Donald Trump and God is that God doesn’t think He is Trump. God is not a narcissist preoccupied with Himself.

Productive narcissists happen along occasionally. Franklin Delano Roosevelt comes to mind. He accomplished great things through charm, innovation and converting the masses with his rhetoric.

Narcissistic leaders who lack self knowledge can become unrealistic dreamers and think only their enemies block their success. They can become distrustful and paranoid.

Narcissists need a colleague to help them break through their self protectiveness. The colleague must possess a profound empathy enabling him to gain the trust of the narcissist. Quixote’s sidekick Sancho Panza comes to mind.

Freud described three personality types: erotic, obsessive and narcissistic. Erotics are loving and need to be loved. They become teachers, nurses and social workers. They avoid conflict and make people dependent on them. They are other directed.

Obsessives are inner-directed — self reliant and conscientious. They maintain order and look for ways to help others and find win-win situations. Narcissists are independent, driven to gain power and glory. They are experts in industry. They want to be admired, not loved. They are aggressive and look for enemies. Under stress, they degenerate into paranoia.

They also make great leaders. They have compelling visions and the ability to attract followers. They want to create the future.

The simplest definition of a leader is somebody others follow. Narcissists attract followers. They are charismatic, skillful orators, personally magnetic and stir enthusiasm among audiences.

Productive narcissistic leaders are a blessing in times of great change. Those who recognize their limitations can create the best of times.

C. F. Baumgartner

Mercer Island