Guns at Chipotle banished

Last week, Chipotle restaurants were forced into the controversial gun debate when open-carry extremists entered a Dallas, Texas location brandishing assault weapons.

Last week, Chipotle restaurants were forced into the controversial gun debate when open-carry extremists entered a Dallas, Texas location brandishing assault weapons. American moms—who are fed up with lax gun laws that allow such dangerous behavior—responded swiftly with a social media campaign calling for Chipotle to prohibit guns in their restaurants. Soon after, Chipotle issued a statement saying guns would no longer be welcome in its restaurants.

Businesses have a duty to protect their employees and patrons — especially in states where no background checks or training are required to buy guns, or carry them openly in public. Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America applauds Chipotle for prioritizing the safety and security of our families, and we will show our appreciation through our support and patronage.

Moms will no longer stand by while gun extremists force dangerous conditions on our children and families in public places. In fact, this is the third time in a year our members have convinced a national restaurant chain to keep guns out of its stores. By taking on these fights, our members are sending a message to the gun lobby that Americans won’t accept a “guns everywhere, anytime” status quo.

We encourage American moms to patronize businesses that take reasonable measures to ensure their children and families are safe, and reject those that don’t. Moms are leading the way in changing the gun culture in America, and we invite you to join us today.


Eileen Bennhoff

Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America