Letter | Change of thinking needed in Olympia

Tucked away under “firewood and stoves,” Washington state law requires wood sellers to provide an invoice.

Tucked away under “firewood and stoves,” Washington state law requires wood sellers to provide an invoice.

It is no wonder we are $4 billion in debt when our legislatures have the time to come up with these micromanaged absurdities. A cord of wood and no record of sale — how stupid can this be?

Wasting time being “penny wise and pound foolish” is clearly the reason we need some big thinkers in Olympia.

For example, why not license bicycles who use our roads pro bono, and in some cases have total disregard  for 2,500 to 10,000-pound vehicles. A modest $15 bike license fee for all those over 18 won’t break anyone and will provide needed revenue for the state. It is time to think outside the box and not worry about a poor soul trying to make a buck selling a cord of wood. We need a change of thinking in Olympia.

David R. Evans