Letter | Rules on fireworks use need to be enforced

Due to extreme dry temperatures across most of the state, I propose a total ban of fireworks across the entire state, except during organized public displays only.

I would not like to be the “Grinch who stole the Fireworks, or the Fourth of July,” however…

The legal time for fireworks to be used on Mercer Island is from 11 a.m.-11 p.m. on July 4 only. Until Sunday, July 7, I was still aware of the odd fireworks being discharged on the Island.

I am aware that the MI Kiwanis do sell fireworks on MI to raise funding for other programs. I know that the lack of this revenue would hurt the programs that they support. Possibly, an alternative plan could be developed that would generate a similar or better revenue for them.

Due to extreme dry temperatures across most of the state, I propose a total ban of fireworks across the entire state, except during organized public displays only.

By enforcing this ban, it would not only cause less property damage and cause less law enforcement officers to patrol our streets and firefighters to be called out due to carelessness by those deploying these items, or misdirected fireworks. The cities and state would therefore save innumerable tax dollars by not having these additional crews out on patrol.

We would no longer need cleanup crews cleaning our streets of all the debris left behind from those individuals who could not be bothered to respect their neighbors or neighborhoods after their celebrations, by cleaning up after themselves. Our family had found innumerable pieces of fireworks debris in our yard, on our deck and on our roof. I am thankful that fires were not caused in our area.

We would have less noise, which is most disturbing to pets, who are usually too afraid to venture outdoors to walk or go potty.

Gail D. Parrish