Mercerdale Park needs to be preserved | Letters to the Editor

Mercer Island is losing its beauty. The failure to preserve as much green space as possible continues on its march to ensure a cluttered urban sprawl.

Mercer Island is losing its beauty. The failure to preserve as much green space as possible continues on its march to ensure a cluttered urban sprawl.

In its land grab, the city, park planners and well-meaning advocacies continue to usurp the much-used and much-loved Mercerdale Park. I am very concerned about this park as the placement of a cultural center.

There are other venues on Mercer Island that can hold cultural events. The taking of more parkland in the center of the city is not a good use for this park. I love culture very much and attend many events. I speak here as a concerned citizen who thought Mercerdale Park by itself was a lovely little place as it was originally designed.

Walk there any day and you will see mothers and babies walking, seniors strolling, people leaving their offices for a galavant in fresh air, teens lunching on days when school is off.

Who is allowing the little green space without commercial entities to be slowly usurped? Mercerdale Park (or the little bit that is left of green space that is accessible) needs to be preserved. There are already too many entities trying to claim the little area that is left. MICA needs to go elsewhere.

Gale S. Kessler, Mercer Island