Rich Erwin best for City Council, Pos. #6

I am a longtime Mercer Islander and had the privilege of working with Rich Erwin on the King County Chapter Board of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, a charitable organization, for two-plus years.

I am a longtime Mercer Islander and had the privilege of working with Rich Erwin on the King County Chapter Board of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, a charitable organization, for two-plus years. He was a tireless, dedicated and focused part of our team, bringing his experience, intelligence and ideas to each board meeting. He is a problem solver and an involved team member who works hard to get the job done right.

I’m confident he will bring these same skills to the Mercer Island City Council. I support him in this election and I hope other Islanders will join me. He will serve us well.

Cindy Martin

Past President, EKC Chapter Thrivent Financial for Lutherans