MICA is a private organization | Letter

Apparently, some Mercer Island City Council members don't understand that Mercer Island Center for the Arts (MICA) is a private organization.

Apparently, some Mercer Island City Council members don’t understand that Mercer Island Center for the Arts (MICA) is a private organization.

Councilmember Dan Grausz, an attorney, stated at the Sept. 6 council meeting (2:53:24): “I don’t even consider MICA a private organization.” Yet MICA’s website clearly states “Mercer Island Center for the Arts is a 501(c)(3) organization.” 501(c)(3) organizations are not public organizations. Therefore, MICA is a private organization.

This matters because the discussion that evening was about whether or not to charge MICA a fee to be put on the docket for possible Comprehensive Plan amendments. During the same meeting, Grausz stated: “I would hope that we can get beyond this and not just nickel and dime [MICA] over four thousand bucks.” MICA is raising $25 million.

So what is the rationale for absolving MICA from paying the $4,000 fee that other private groups must pay? Why did Grausz, Deputy Mayor Bertlin and Mayor Bruce Bassett vote to waive a fee that applies to other private organizations? Is it fair to exempt MICA from paying a fee that other private entities must pay in similar circumstances?

Our city budget, funded by taxpayers, should not be spent for private groups who have friends on the council. All council members should treat MICA as the private organization it is rather than the public entity it isn’t.

Meg Lippert

Mercer Island