‘CHILD at Heart’ Breakfast set for Thursday, Feb. 7

The Children’s Institute for Learning Differences (CHILD) will hold its largest fundraiser of the year, the 10th annual CHILD at Heart Breakfast, on Thursday, Feb. 7.

The Children’s Institute for Learning Differences (CHILD) will hold its largest fundraiser of the year, the 10th annual CHILD at Heart Breakfast, on Thursday, Feb. 7, from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m.

The event, to be held at Meydenbauer Center in Bellevue, is the largest source of donations for CHILD, a nonprofit school and therapy services clinic for fragile children who struggle daily with developmental, neurological and social-emotional challenges. CHILD students come from 19 districts throughout Puget Sound.

Trina Westerlund, CHILD founder and current director of community relations, will speak. This lively, dynamic community celebration of CHILD students and their courage will prove to be inspirational and informative.

The breakfast is free. Attendees will be asked to make a donation to CHILD. Reservations are still available: go to www.childnow.org/heart or call (206) 232-8680.