Journalist shares success stories of immigrants

Longtime journalist Maureen Francisco has written a book about a growing up and finding success as an immigrant in the United States.

Longtime journalist Maureen Francisco has written a book about a growing up and finding success as an immigrant in the United States.

Francisco immigrated to the United States from the Philippines when she was just 5 years old. She faced and overcame many challenges. After finding success in broadcast television, Francisco is sharing her experiences — in success and failure — to help others like her. Francisco outlines the work habits that lead to success in her upcoming book, “It Takes Moxie: Off the Boat, Or Out of School, To Making It Your Way In America,” which will be released this month.

“It Takes Moxie” features the stories of Dr. Connie Mariano, the White House doctor; Richard Cho, the first Asian-American GM of a major sports franchise; Amy Chua, author of “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother,” and more.

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