Orchestra’s ‘Disney & Dessert’ event is Sunday

The third time is the charm for the school district orchestras’ Disney & Dessert fundraiser now set for Sunday, April 27.

The third time is the charm for the school district  orchestras’ Disney & Dessert fundraiser now set for Sunday, April 27.

After first rescheduling because of the Super Bowl, then being cancelled by a surprise winter storm, the Mercer Island school orchestras are set to serve up tunes and treats at 2 p.m. on Sunday, April 27 in the MIHS Commons.

The family friendly event will feature a dessert buffet and lively performances of Disney tunes by the district’s high school orchestra and the Islander Middle School orchestra, dressed in costume.

Tickets are $10 in advance from MIHS orchestra students or online at TeamO-MI.org, and $15 at the door.  All proceeds support the Mercer Island School’s orchestra programs, from grades five through twelve.